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'Ideal' Classroom

What does your ideal classroom look like?

During the January ARC, one of the WSU Retention Fellows posed the following question:

What does your ideal classroom look like?

The plan #

  1. (~ 3 minutes) Let’s take a few minutes to really think about this and write it down.
  2. (~ 3 minutes) share with a partner / small group about this
  3. Report out

Next question:

What steps can we take this semester in order to make it happen?

In your group, discuss:

  • ideas that would help
  • ideas that would hinder
  • ways that the department can support you

Then we’ll report out.

The outcome #

Various groups interpreted the prompt is different ways. Some took it literally – their ideal is chalk board not whiteboard… etc. Others discussed the dream of students being curious and engaged. The discussion was very valuable, and it was my hope that we all got something out of it, in particular something actionable to move Spring 2024 closer to “ideal.”