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GTA Training - Winter Workshop 2024

This is the outline on which I based the 3 day “GTA Winter Workshop.” All of the GTAs had previously taught at least one semester, though I am new in my role as the instructional coordinator.

Goals for the week: #

  • Get reacquainted
  • Build a community where learning is what we do
  • Form teams for content: 012 and 111; 123 note below
  • Get Blackboard and ALEKS ready (and WebAssign)
  • Get your syllabus ready
  • Practice your first day introduction
  • Practice a brief (~5 minute) lesson with feedback
  • Have lessons ready for week 1

Day 1: Wednesday #

  • (re)-introductions
    • Get to know each other again
    • Inquire about winter break (fun stories?)
  • Introduce my new role
    • Coordinate training, instructional seminar
    • support GTAs in their role as teachers
    • help you grow professionally
  • What we need this semester:
    • communication:
      • Check email daily
      • Should I collect phone numbers for texts?
      • Share mine
    • Weekly Seminar:
      • Thursdays 3:30 - 4:25ish
    • Regular Class Visits
      • Short visits by me.
        • Unannounced or announced? Preference?
        • Won’t stay the whole time each time
      • Short meetings after
  • Review last semester
    • Goal: Get into the mindset of the new semester
    • 5 minute reflection: what did you expect at the beginning of the semester, and how did you feel at the end?
    • 1 minute reflection: how do you feel going into this semester?
  • Course evaluations
    • Demo how to get them downloaded
    • We’ll go over these on Thursday together one-on-one
    • Goal: Make an action plan to address issues and have an attitude of constant improvement.
  • Basic Course Setup
    • What materials do you already have?
      • Are they electronic? Find them.
      • Are they in your office? Grab them
      • At home? Find them for next time.
    • What materials do you need for class?
    • Blackboard Setup
      • Goal: Get blackboard fully complete before we leave
      • Link up ALEKS
      • Add your contact information
      • Place your syllabus
  • Assignment:
    • Download and print your evaluations.
    • Read all your comments
    • Highlight any you especially want to discuss with me (on Thursday)
    • I will keep the printed copy

Day 2: Thursday #

  • Goal for the day:
    • Take time to lesson plan for the first few days of class!
    • Practice our teaching philosophy
    • One-on-one meetings to discuss plans for this semester.
  • Agenda:
    • One-on-one meetings to discuss evaluation
    • Working groups for 012 and 111
      • Developing lesson plans for material for the first 2 week
      • Goal: have a lesson ready for each day of the first week
    • For 123:
      • names redacted
    • For Stat 370
      • names redacted
  • Presentations:
    • Practice our first day introduction presentation
      • Who are you?
      • Why are you here?
      • How are you going to help students?
      • Why do you believe this?
    • Goal: Get practice articulating your philosophy of teaching.

Day 3: Friday #

  • Presentations (~ 2 hours):
    • 5 minute mini-lesson and discussion
  • Reflection:
    • (~ 2 minutes) How do you feel about next week?

Going forward: #

  • Weekly seminar (required)